Golden Moon has introduced advanced production equipment to manufacture artificial turf while complying with environmental protection standards. We promise the best service and create an
environmentally friendly life with you together.
In general, artificial turf can be divided into two categories, one is sand-filled artificial turf, one is non-sand-filled artificial turf. For example, artificial turf in football stadium,
artificial turf in tennis court is sand injection-type artificial turf, and hockey field artificial turf and golf green artificial turf are non-sand injection-type artificial turf. At present, the
number of sand injection-type artificial turf far exceeds the number of non-injection-type artificial turf. This is because sand injection-type artificial turf has greater advantages.
The purpose of artificial turf construction sand injection is mainly to increase the flexibility of sports venues to maintain the vertical state of artificial turfgrass seedlings to avoid the
problem of grass seedling lodging, but also help to improve the antistatic properties of artificial turf, play a drainage layer of hydrophobic effect.