Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 8mm feeder

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Supply Samsung feeder at low price :

SM321 SM421 SM411 series feeder,and the details are as belOW
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 8mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 12mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 16mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 24mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 32mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 44mm feeder
Samsung SM321 SM421 SM411 56mm feeder

Original & copy new, with6months warranty time.


  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type:
  • Market:Asia,Africa,Americas,Emerging Markets,Europe,European Union,G20,Middle East,Oceania
  • Founded Year:2005
  • Address:Fuyong Street, Baoan Dist., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
  • Contact:Harper Liu
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