Air moving dolly capacity have five kinds:10 tons capacity air moving roller skids, 16 tons air moving dolly, 20 tons air moving tools, 32 tons air roller kit, 48 tons air moving roller.
Air moving system for moving and handling works
Air moving tools price list and pictures
No shake moving tools with air
Air moving system application and price list
Air Powered Heavy Load Moving Equipment Systems
Air bearing and casters price and instructions
Heavy duty air caster rigging systems instructions and price list
Air skate for moving machines with no hurt no pollution
Air bearing and casters price and instructions
Heavy duty air caster rigging systems instructions and price list
More information regarding air bearings casters price list, air casters pictures, air movers application, air film transporters advantages, please kindly feel free contact with us. Professionally service hope will get your satisfaction.
Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD
Skype: faithjiang888