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cardboard donation boxes en in this biggest "book ", this is a strong scientific articles. Language teaching lower segment, its main goal is teaching words. Teaching this lesson, firmly grasp
the lower section of the main goals of language teaching, closely linked to words, words, solidly training basics. For example: When checking vocabulary, teacher Li Deep progressive arrangements,
in line with students' cognitive characteristics. In teaching "inquisitive" The word teacher Li twice teaching. The first focuses on reading quasi-sound, understanding "plane" is meant digging. The
second created a form of language - dialogue. Chon and geological exploration team in dialogue, chon consecutive asked a few questions, we must ask the question, the teacher pointed out that there
is a text word "inquisitive." In this way, students 'inquisitive' understanding is straightforward. Body language teaching should focus on "verbal forms" lesson teaching also do this. In the
article read,