Hupharma sarms YK11 YK-11 Liquid
Nutrobal (Mk-677), Ostarine (MK-2866), GW-501516 (Cardarine) , RAD140 (Testolone, Radarine, LGD-4033 (Ligandrol, Anabolicum) , DPT130, YK-11, SR9009 (Stenabolic, MELT), Andarine (S-4), Aicar
Name: YK11
Synonyms:YK11, YK-11
Molar Mass:430.534 g/mol
Chemical Formula:C25H34O6
Storage:Room temperature
Solubility:Propylene Glycol, DMSO, Ethanol
Appearance:White fine powder
YK11 is said to be the strongest amongst all, even more potent than classic steroids such as DHT. YK11 is believed to be a SARM and produce the effect of myostatin at the same time. YK11 induces
muscle cells to make more follistatin (more than DHT does) - a strong myostatin inhibitor. YK11 works through the androgen receptor. With that said, YK11 can be as good as testosterone in terms of
muscle strengthening, but minus the detrimental side effects. Research has shown that YK-11 inhibits myostatin. YK-11 induces muscle cells to make more follistatin which is a strong myostatin
inhibitor. Myostatin (also known as growth differentiation factor 8) as a myokine, a protein produced by muscle cells that acts on muscle cells to inhibit myogenesis. Myogenesis is muscle cell
growth and differentiation. Research through the years show that when you block myostatin, it allows for significantly more muscle mass.