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Title: traditional plastic bags _chengshundg_chengshundg than the
Contents: plastic than traditional bags [original 2014-6-5 16:05:52] Word Count: PVC bag manufacturers that more and more, but also to the invention of plastic bags of human life has brought great convenience, but more and more people do not know how effective environmental use, resulting in a plastic bag pollution globalization. Compared with the traditional plastic bags, green bags have advantages: 1, soluble speed design choice, completely dissolved in water, toxic pollution; 2, tensile strong, tension is good; 3, high transparency, good gloss; 4, soft and high, feel good; 5, oil resistance, solvent resistance, heat sealable, printable; 6, a low coefficient of permeability, good gas barrier properties; 7, plus self-adhesive plastic bags or plastic snap button; 8, antistatic performance, no dust, etc. 9, can be degraded by water, air, sun and bio. Usually about a month, you can break down into harmless substances. More PVC bag manufacturers search dgchengshun688/html/news /