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quarter of agitation, the market in April-May were down select and variable. Economic data in the first quarter of this year also shows the pressure drop increases economic growth, coupled with a strong IPO is expected to accelerate, May market may therefore substantial fluctuations. For the A-share market outlook, can not be ignored in the 2050-2080 point still heavier pressure plate stuck in this area if you do not release the amount of energy needed for space with time to digest the shock pressure way. Note that the change in outlook can. So the short-term market volatility adjustment still needs. You can take advantage of market volatility investors buy low sell high margin calls do t. Bargain layout and true blue-chip growth stocks undervalued, should not chase sell. I wish you a happy holiday.
Title: Sunshine ETS Kai Chen Dongsheng May Day is only three days _ put the price the market _ Kai Chen Kai Chen market
Content: May sunshine ETS Kai Chen Dongsheng put a large price for three days only [reposted 2014-5-2 11:56:40] Word Count: Kai Chen Dongsheng ETS May franchise stores put a large discount price only missed three days time to wait another year. The event covers all models of its Kai Chen, Kai Chen R50, Kai Chen D50, Kai Chen R50X entire