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the green box "Figure 1" in the form of pre-big points. Secondly, the stock rose after short-term acceleration (more dangerous), and did not come out strong "single male is not broken" form. Finally, the stock shock grind stage for two consecutive waves before the breakthrough did not rise high, forming a downward trend, and the amount of sun progressively decreasing, down band is growing. Before the market trend is not clear, at present there are many inside "form" shares must arouse our attention. Due to space limitation, 0 && image.height> 0) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700/image.width;}} "src =" "TYPE =" face "ALT =" top secret method to see through the main lighten ship "TITLE =" top secret method to see through the ship's main lighten up "/> free Video" These technologies form must be shipped "in detail. prevent market or individual stocks the potential risk is obviously no problem, but some of the higher capacity can still find some short-term retail jerking stocks in the week (red box similar to Figure 2, the