Senshang Instruments开发和生产的SS-600C烟气分析系统用于监测固定污染源的总空气污染物排放,主要用于工业锅炉,电站锅炉,工业炉排放监测,测量SO2,NO,CO,CO2, O2等动态连续监测,同时测量颗粒含量,气体流量,气体压力,气体温度,气体湿度等。
1 )气体分析监测系统。
2 )颗粒监测系统。
3 )G作为温度/压力/速度测量(可选)
4 )Data分析系统。(可选)
1. 中号斧采样气体温度:400℃
2. 中号斧工作压力:6巴
3. ħ饮食温度:采样探头140℃(˚Factory默认情况下,是可以改变的); 加热管120℃
4. 甲mbient温度:-20〜60℃
5. 最大粉尘负荷:100g / m3
6. ˚FILTER精度:0.1μm的
7. G作为预处理样气的露点:4 ℃
8. 大号inearity :≤1%
9. 甲ccuracy :≤1%
10. žERO漂移:±2%/瓦特伊克
11. Span漂移:±2%/周
12. 校准方式:Manual / Auto
13. 通讯输出:RS485,4-20mA
I. Introduction The SS-700 process VOCs monitoring system is based on the standards of HJ/T80, HJ/T75, HJ/T76 and other related standards, sampling by extraction method, configuration based on advanced gas chromatography, mass spectrometry separation technologies and hydrogen ...
I. Introduction SS-300-HCL Extractive Laser Analysis System adopts TDLASTunable diode laser absorption spectroscope to measure HF concentration. It adopts special heated sampling probe which is able to work in high-temperature and high dust conditions, and hot & wet sampling ...
I. Introduction SS-300-HF Extractive Laser Analysis System adopts TDLASTunable diode laser absorption spectroscope to measure HF concentration. It adopts special heated sampling probe which is able to work in high-temperature and high dust conditions, and hot & wet sampling ...