A major shift in Luke’s Gospel occurs at Luke 9:51 (and goes to Luke 18:14), as Jesus turns his attention from ministry in Galilee to a resolute focus towards Jerusalem and his coming suffering. Despite opposition (Luke 9:51-56), Jesus calls for personal sacrifice, even of family responsibilities, in order to concentrate completely on serving the Lord (Luke 9:57-62). Accordingly as Jesus moves toward Judea and Jerusalem, he sends 72 disciples ahead with a warning that God’s Kingdom is near (Luke 10:1-12). Despite his great sadness toward those who have rejected it (Luke 10:13-16), Jesus focuses his joy over those who have received salvation (Luke 10:17-24). Questioned by an expert in Torah, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan to show the full extent of the Law’s demands of the believer. Authentic spiritual life is defined by love for God and others (Luke 10:25-37). Authentic spiritual life is also defined by the priority of God’s Presence (Luke 10:38-42) and prayer (Luke 11:1-13).tGospel Of Luke Rubber Wristbands
Custom Lanyards Size: 8"*1/2"
Thickness: 1.5mm
Style: Debossed (no color)
Web site: https://www.gs-jj.com/wristbands/Custom-wristbands
Email: info@gs-jj.com
Telephone: 1-888-864-4755
Fax:(909) 839-4501
Address:U.S.A.: Los Angeles Office address: 20829 Valley Blvd. Walnut, CA 91789
Canada: Vancouver Office address: 5280 Oakmount Crescent, Ste 402, Burnaby, BC V5H 4S1