Introduction to the standard rail switch series (rail 38kg/m-60kg/m frog no. 6-24)
A switch is a branch of a line into or beyond another line and a branch of cross equipment.The switch is an important part of railway track structure.
The proportion of railway turnout and line varies greatly with the railway volume and density.China is one of the countries with high railway volume and density.
There are some complex conditions that do not exist on ordinary rails on railway turnout.For example, the path line interruption exists in the fixed frog, the impact Angle of the sharp rail, the shield rail and the wing rail is far greater than that of the curve track, and the vertical and horizontal stiffness change of the track in the switch area is much higher than that of the ordinary track.When a locomotive is passing a switch, the force between the wheels and rails is much higher than that of ordinary lines.Therefore, the maintenance work of the switch part is more than the ordinary track of the same length, and the service life of the main components of the switch is shorter than that of the ordinary track.
Railway turnout equipment includes turnout, crossing, combination of switch and crossing and other track equipment.
Standard rail switch series (rail 38kg/m-60kg/m frog no. 6-24)
Turnout is divided into single switch, single symmetric switch, single ipsilateral switch, symmetric tripartite switch, asymmetric tripartite switch and socket line switch.
The crossing is divided into two types: square crossing and diamond crossing.
The combination of crossing and crossing includes crossing and crossing.
Other track equipment include rail expansion adjuster and shoe shedding device.