1.Easy replacement of wear and spare parts;
2.Simplified state of the art mainframe and easy to operate;
3.Mass and section thickness optimised;
4.High stress area welds eliminated;
5.Made by high quality steel;
6.Low operational costs.
Model Volume(m3) Theoretical
Capacity(T) Max. Load(T) Gauge(mm) Wheel Base(mm) Wheel Diameter (mm) Traction(KN) Traction Height(mm) Overall Size(LxWxH) Weight(≤kg)
MGC1.7-6 1.7 1.5 2.7 600 750 300 60 320 2400*1050*1200 720
MGC1.7-9 1.7 1.5 2.7 900 600 350 60 320 2100*1150*1300 970
MGC1.1-6 1.1 1 1.8 600 550 300 60 320 2000*880*1150 610
MGC3.3-9 3.3 3 5.3 900 1100 350 60 320 3450*1320*1300 1320