1/8 Inch 04t Babbitt Wire Thermal Spray Wire

FOB Price
USD $25.00 / Piece
Place Of Origin
Spool Type
D 300
Wire Type
Solid Wire
Minimum Order
1.6mm (1/16 Inch)
Wire Weight
15kg Each Spool
Coating Hardness
65~70 Hrb
15kg each spool
15 Days


Babbitt wire is a special high grade, tin-based alloy that is manufactured exclusive for thermal spray. Babbitt alloy coating are particularly suitable for high speed and heavy duty bearing surfaces that required coatings of the highest possible quality, especially for critical applications.The coatings are ductile, low in oxides and exhibit a bright,metallic appearance. It can equivalent to: Tafa 04T,Sulzer Metco Sprababbitt.


High-speed, heavy-duty bearing surfaces.

Product Details

Chemical composition:

Grade Chemical composition(%)
Sn Sb Cu other
Babbitt wire 90 7~8 3~4 0.25

Physical Properties:

Grade Density Melting point
Babbitt wire 6.67 g/cm3 354 °C

Typical Characteristics:

Typical Hardness Bond Strength Deposit Rate Deposit Efficiency Machilityineab
Nil 3000 psi 48 lbs /hr/100A

70% Good

Sizes & Packaging:

Diameter Packaging Wire Weight
1/16" (1.6mm) MIG (D 300) 15kg((33 lb)/spool

Note that special sizes, or packing requirements are available on all requests.


AWS C2.25 / C2.25M W-SnSbCu-1.

  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type:
  • Market:
  • Founded Year:2008
  • Address:No 19, Jiliang Road, Danyang development zone in Jiangsu Province .
  • Contact:Jerry Yung
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1/16 Inch Amorphous Alloy Vecalloy B Thermal Spray Wire

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Shanghai Allotech Industrial Co., Ltd