Chinaboiler steam header supplierprovides custom boiler steam header, manifold headers for superheater or any other heat exchangers in cement plant.
The boiler steam
header is actually a large diameter pipe connected with a lot of finned tubes. It is made of seamless steel pipe and welded flat head (end cover) at both ends. There are many pipe holes on the header
body for welding or expanding joint for finned tubes. Both ends of the economizer finned tubes and the superheater finned tubes are connected to the boiler steam header. The lower end of the water
cooling wall is connected to the boiler header and the upper end can be connected to the boiler header and then a few finned tubes from the collector box are connected to the boiler barrel or the
upper end of the water cooling wall finned tubes can be directly connected to the boiler barrel.
• Long Service Life
• High Accuracy Manufacturing
• Internal Clean