Chemical name:Benzenepropanoic Acid,3-(2Hbenzotriazol-2-yl)-5-(1,1-Dimethylethyl-4-
Hydroxy-,C7-9- Branched And Linear Alkyl Esters
Appearance: Pale yellow liquid
Dynamic Viscosity at 20℃: 3,200 cps
Content: 94% in 5% 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate
Density at 20℃: 1.0718g/cm³
UV ABSORBER HOSORB-UV 384-2 is non-toxic, non-flammable, non-explosive, non-corrosive, good storage stability. It is recommended for automotive coatings and
general industrial applications i.e. coil coatings, wood coatings. It is easy incorporation into water borne systems. The performance provided by UV 384-2 can be enhanced when used in combination
with a HALS stabilizer such as HLAS-292. info at hhochem. com