Work parts should be inspected during processing, some parts are measured before, within and after punching. For the reason there’s difference between equipment precise, sheet lot quality, surrounding and personal, same file comes out different work parts. At present, with the multi type, multi lot sheet metal production, time of measuring part precise will affect productivity. Vector vision, the 2D measurement system helps operators inspect parts quickly, keep production fluently.
Vector vision takes the advantage of vision inspection technology, supplies with quick, precise, safe measurement during sheet metal production. It help users keep producing high quality product on the base of increasing efficiency, enhance product value and corporation profit.
Place part on work sheet ---- read measurement file ---- set up parameter ---- get measurement data ----- output inspection report
Time: 10 SEC !!!
Range of application:
Nontransparent and semitransparent flat material, metal sheet material, stone, cloth etc., the system can inspect parts after being drilled, punched, cut.
1. Easy operation, inspected by one button
2. Clear result with testing report
3. High precision accrency:0.03mm
4. Wide measure size 1000mm * 1500mm
5. Wide range of application
6. Multi testing report with sheet, chart, etc.
7. Easy installation and maintenance
8. Quick training, no need to professional training.
For any further information, please contact us by email or 13378468337