Established in 1994, the Pride And Remembrance Association is a leading non-profit volunteer-run organization, which is one of the most running events. The Pride and Remembrance Run is dedicated to improve their pride and remember personal achievement and community celebration. Everyone has different reasons to participate. Someone run for challenging themselves, while others run for raising funds for charity. The Pride and Remembrance Run has gradually become an popular tradition that is to develop team spirit, friendship, sportsmanship and volunteerism.
2018 Pride Running Medalsare irregular, which seems to be a ribbon. 2018 Pride Running Medals are crafted by soft enamel with silver finished. Each of 2018 Pride Running Medals will be individually poly bagged with a ribbon webbing.RUNNING MEDALSare often customized, and if you want to design otherCUSTOM MEDALS, you can call at 909-8954700 or email at
Phone: 18888644755
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