English name: Stanozolol
CAS No.: 10418-03-8
Molecular formula: C21H32N2O
Molecular weight: 328.49
EINECS number: 233-894-8
Melting point 242 °C
Storage conditions 2-8 ° C
Use to improve muscle strength and endurance
Product name: Stan ozolol (Win strol) CAS : 10418-03-8 M. F: C21H32N2O M. W: 328.49 What is Sta nozolol Win strol and used for? Stanoz olol Win strol is one of the most po pular anab olic stero ids. Stip rolol Win strol may be admin istered orally or intramus cularly. Some of ...
wickr \\ telegram: wenny717 Email : alexa@weilongbio.cn Stanozolol CAS: 10418-03-8 Chemical formula: C21H32N2O Storage conditions 2-8°C Appearance powder Colour white to light yellow Merck 8794 Physical and chemical properties Specific rotational index 34° Product use: For ...
Stanozolol 99% puirty oral Winstrol hormone 10418-03-8 james at curepharmas dot com skype: cotanjames whatsapp/Telegram/Signal:+8613802264524 Wickr: steroid825 Gurantee 100% safe shipping to USA Europe Canada Mexico, free of customs clearance. We will ship by special line that ...