Anti-C. albicans SAP2 Antibody

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This product is a human antibody that specifically recognizes SAP2 from C. albicans. The antibody PROT 2 is an epitope-specific antibody that can be used in ELISA and other immunological assays. Secreted aspartic peptidases (SAPs) are a group of ten acidic hydrolases considered as key virulence factors. These enzymes supply the fungus with nutrient amino acids as well as are able to degrade the selected host's proteins involved in the immune defe

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  • Founded Year:2005
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  • Contact:Jerry Carter
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Anti-C. psittaci ompA Antibody
Anti-C. psittaci ompA Antibody

This product is a mouse antibody that specifically recognizes ompA from C. psittaci. The antibody J50 is an epitope-specific antibody that can be used in ELISA and other immunological assays. In elementary bodies (EBs, the infectious stage, which is able to survive outside the ...

Creative Biolabs

Anti-C. tetani tetX Antibody
Anti-C. tetani tetX Antibody

This product is a mouse antibody that specifically recognizes tetX from C. tetani. The antibody is an epitope-specific antibody that can be used in ELISA and other immunological assays. ...

Creative Biolabs

Anti-C. perfringens cpe Antibody
Anti-C. perfringens cpe Antibody

This product is a mouse antibody that specifically recognizes cpe from C. perfringens. The antibody 3C9 is an epitope-specific antibody that can be used in Inhib, WB and other immunological assays. Clostridium perfringens (formerly known as C. welchii, or Bacillus welchii) is a ...

Creative Biolabs