Chemical name: N-Hexadecyl-3, 5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate
CAS No.: 67845-93-6
Molecular formula:C31H54O3
Molecular weight: 475
Appearance: White powder
Purity (HPLC), %: ≥99
Melting point,℃: 59-63
Ash, %: ≤0.1
Loss on Drying, %: ≤0.5
LIGHT STABILIZER UV-2908 belongs to the class of hindered hydroxybenzoate light stabilizer. It is widely used in polyolefins such as PP, PE, polycarbonate and the systems containing flame retardants and thioesters etc. It can be used alone or in combination with benzophenone UV stabilizer or phosphite antioxidant, showing good synergistic at hhochem. com