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This is a small accurate pocket scale for weighing plant material and products, it is the best for the money we could find. If you want a certified ISO laboratory grade scale they are very
expensive we have them available if needed, contact us for details. We work with the distributor of Amston Scale to provide us with the best pocket scale available for the price.
Size: 4" x 2.5 " estimated weight measurement: 100g x 0.01g
Weigh in grams, ounces, grains, carats, troy ounces, and pennyweight.
Displays grains with 1 decimal in 0.2 grain increments.
Highly visible display with back light.
Includes a slide on cover/weighing tray.
Includes balance weight
0.1 of a gram- 100mg 0.05 of a gram- 50mg
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