A series of alcohols with general formula C2nH4n+2On+1. The simplest member is ethylene glycol C2H6O2, widely used as antifreeze. Glycols may be used in drilling fluids as gas hydrate inhibitors.
Use as drilling agent:
Water based glycol (polyol) muds are becoming increasingly popular, and are now replacing oil based muds in many drilling operations.The high performance drilling fluid of this invention provides shale stabilization and swelling inhibition of active and swell able shale. In addition to shale stabilization and swelling inhibition of shale, the drilling fluid of this invention provides anti-bit balling and anti-sticking properties to the drilled cuttings during the drilling operation.In order to reduce cost and particularly to minimize undesirable side effects, the concentration of glycols and similar compounds has been minimized in prior art applications of glycols in drilling fluids. A glycol that is soluble at low temperatures but starts to form micelles (molecular agglomerates), thus becoming cloudy, as the temperature is raised (cloud point). The temperature at which this phenomenon occurs the cloud point is affected by salinity, being generally lower in more saline fluids. Cloud point glycols are used as shale inhibitors. Apart from exceptional shale inhibition, other benefits include environmental friendliness, ease of handling, robustness and good lubricity.The simple glycols are useful for lowering water activity and freezing point of an aqueous solution. At moderate concentrations, they can lower the water activity to a level equal to or less than that of most gumbo shales commonly encountered in offshore drilling.
Packing: Glycol is available in 55-gallon steel drums