We can provide you with the best interior design for your house in New York. We have over thirty years of experience, providing Interior Design consultation, sales and maintenance of carpets,
hardwood and laminate.
Choosing carpet or any home décor is a vital consideration. In today’s economic complexities. We strive to help stretch the value of your dollar. For this purpose Cut-Rite Carpet & Design Center is
your single source of carpeting. We specialize in carpet remnants with super discount prices, area rugs We also sell all species of Wood, We carry 50 year warranty on Laminate & vinyl flooring, We
specialize in commercial carpeting and window treatments. To assure these value we specialize in dealing with our companies "Mill Direct", which means there is no middle man and we pass the
savings on to you. "Our most valued customers". Cut Rite Carpet and Design Center has been serving Westchester County and other local counties for over 37 years. One present owner Ron Conti since
Being in business serving the community since 1979 shows that we are a responsible, service oriented company that cares our about our customers. You are a name, a friend, not just an invoice number
to us. We like to treat our customers like family. For this reason is why we have continiously repeated clientel as well as constant referels with complete confidence from our customers.
Our experiene within the working realm of Cut-Rite Carpets & Design Centers totals over 150 years of experience. So when it comes to giving the right advise or helping to choose the right product
for that perfect room, you can be confident that you will be getting the proper direction for color and carpet selection.
It has become second nature for us because that's all we know when it comes to Sales, Service, and satisfaction to our most valued customers.
Cut Rite Carpet & Design Center
Mr.Ron Conti
825 White Plains Road,
Scarsdale, NY 10583
(914) 725-9099
Email: ron@cutritecarpets.com
Website: www.cutritecarpets.com