Q250 Pneumatic Spinning Wrench is a pneumatically power tool capable of spinning drill pipe and collar from 31/2 to 10 inches O.D., especially used in the mechanized operation of drilling
machines in shore and land oilfields instead of previous “chain” and “cord”. It’s operated more safety and with less labor power, and more efficiency. It’s more convenience to fetch core and deal
with the problem underwell.
The wrench’s spinning procedure is as follows: first position the wrench vertically to a joint about 11.8-19.7 inch, or just about the upset, the wrench is now swung onto pipe and it’s four drive
rollers on the head clamp the pipe. Turn on air valve of air spring, to make rollers upon drill pipe, then push/pull the handle of air motors valve. Left and right motors work, and drive rollers
rotate through its reducer mechanism. Drill pipe rotates for its friction. So drill pipe joint will be spinned in or out.