Legendary for its off-the-charts resin production, White Widow is a staple sativa-dominant hybrid with powerful energizing effects. At the time, the underground cannabis market consisted mostly of early hybrids
The plants flower within 9 weeks when grown indoors and are ready for harvest in early October when grown outdoors. Growers
The super-sticky strain provides a cerebral high that, while sometimes daunting in large doses, mostly allows users to remain functional and aware of their surroundings.
What this strain lacks in flavor profile, it makes up for in quick-acting cerebral effects. Users can become more acutely perceptive of their surroundings, tuned into sounds and patterns that may have gone unnoticed before.
Because of its deeply cerebral effects, this strain is typically more psychologically than physically helpful. It can aid those with attention deficit disorders in sustaining focus on a single topic. It can also boost energy in cases of fatigue or depression. Some users have even described White Widow as efficient in relieving migraines.