Apollo 13 was originally bred by Colorado-based seed bank Brothers Grimm Seeds, which pollinated a female Genius plant said to be a Jack Herer phenotype with pollen from a P75 male to conjure
this coveted hybrid strain. Used by breeder Subcool from TGA genetics, Apollo 13 played a parental role in the development of several other popular strains, including The Void and Third Dimension
(3D). Carrying an aroma of pepper and earth with fruity undertones, the flavor profile of Apollo 13 has been described as herbal and skunky. One sample of Apollo 13 analyzed by the cannabis testing
laboratory MCR Labs showcased impressive THC levels that exceeded 22%. The strain is reported to grow bountiful side branches with high yields of dense, terpene-rich buds sticky with resin in a
55-to-60 day flowering period. Groweres can expect harvests of about 400 grams per square meter. Ideally grown indoors using the Screen of Green (ScrOG) method, Apollo 13 is said to require a
substantial amount of nutrients during cultivation.