pink tennis balls e of the wire and plastic tightly paste, easy to let air into the steel surface to prevent oxidation due to rust from the inside to the foreign minister, caused shortened
life expectancy. Thickness: High temperature plastics extrusion, stable rotating speed, the thickness of the plastic surface is maintained at 0.6mm or more. Color: Various masterbatch powder
synthesized some anti-UV materials and then adding a specific overall hybrid technology, ensure the stability of the product color, for many years the use of the surface is still clean as new,
bright and lasting. 0 && image.height> 0) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700 / image.width;}} "class =" editor-pic-insert "src =" lztlhl /
upfiles / 201356140503.jpg "alt =" 201356140503.jpg "border =" 0 "data-mce-src =" lztlhl / upfiles / 201356140503.jpg "data-mce-style =" max-width: 700px; "data_ue_src =" lztlhl / upfiles /
201356140503.jpg "style =" cursor: default; max-width: 700px; "> tennis ball field fence life: a high-density plastic raw grain, surface water absorption was 0%, resistant to common acids and
bases, than ordinary plastic bag net long service life of 3-5 years process: unique rotating hook weaving threading technology to optimize mold