Measuring area
Measuring mode
2-wavelength concentration difference of optical methods
Display mode
Measuring value: 3 digits liquid crystal display
Measuring times: 2 digits liquid crystal display |
Min measuring interval
< 2s
Measuring Range
0.0-99.9 SPAD
±1.0 SPAD
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
2 AA batteries
Dimensions (L × W × H)
155mm * 70mm * 42mm
Battery life
can maintain more than 20000 operations
Memory capacity
30datum, automatically calculate and show the average. On: to open the power and OFF: to close the power.
AVG button
Calculate the average of data
Del (to move all data) button
Clear all the data
DISP button
Display stored datum
MEAS button
Press MEAS key to test
320 grams (excluding batteries)
Introduction In the process of plant’s growth and development, there are some diseases mainly caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses etc. And in the past time, the accordingly scientific knowledge is not widespread, so the farmer can’t understand these reasons. There has ...
Introduction It can test plant Culm-strength. The stem intensity of sorghum, maize, and tobacco is a major factor to decide the lodging-resistance ability. The lodging of sorghum, maize, and tobacco have caused great difficulties in crops mechanized harvesting for a long time. ...