At the based of your brain is a pea-sized area, which is called the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a part of the endocrine system and it makes hormones that are vital to to many bodily functions. One of those hormones is called the Growth Hormone and it has more importance than just helping children to grow up and mature.
There are many neuropsychiatric-cognitive effects that are related to hGH.
The role of this hormone seems to cover many of our cognitive functions, making it an extremely important part of our mental well-being. In fact, treatments that use hGH have shown to significantly improve and even repair cognition later in life.
It all begins as children. This hormone governs our height, bone length and muscle growth
As adults there are many things which hGH affect. Our metabolism is one of them. Without it we will grow more around the belly and less in muscle mass.
hGH helps in aiding bone density as well. This is a great factor when considering what happens as we age. Bone abnormalities and conditions also benefit from a normal amount of hGH or suffer from a lack of it.