Chemical name: N-(2-Ethoxyphenyl)-N‘-(4-ethylphenyl)-ethlyene diamide
CAS No.: 23949-66-8
Molecular formula: C18H20N2O3
Molecular weight: 312.37
Appearance:White crystalline powder
Assay, %: ≥99
Melting point,℃:122-127℃
Transmittance:460nm ≥95%
500nm ≥97%
Loss on Drying, %: ≤0.5
UV ABSORBER UV 312 has a low volatility and good thermal stability. It is particularly effective for short-wavelength UV light. It can be used in solventborne coatings and general industrial
coatings to provide standard UV stabilization performances. In particular, it is recommended for UV cured systems. It is suitable for polyesters, PVC plastisol, polyurethanes, polyamides,
polymethylmethacrylate, polybutyleneterephtalate, polycarbonates and cellulose esters. It is particularly effective include polyamides, PVC (rigid and flexible), polyesters (thermoplastic and
thermoset). info at hhochem. com