A continuous import bond can be utilized for a yearly period and covers the continuous shipment of imports inside that year at the same time it will save your time, money and reduces filing risk in
every shipment.
Continuous Import Bonds also know as just Continuous Bond are utilized as customs bonds, importer security filing bonds, airport security bonds, and intellectual property rights bonds. A continuous
import bond can be utilized for a yearly period and covers the continuous shipment of imports inside that year at the same time it will save your time, money and reduces filing risk in every
shipment. There are three parties included in this bond—the surety company that issues the bond, the principal or the importer who is required to file the bond, and the CBP - Customs and Border
Protection. The continuous import bond is consequently reestablished each year on the off chance that it isn't canceled unless it is ended by one of the three parties involved. This bond is an
alternative for importers who bring merchandise into the U.S. on a frequent or regular premise.