Arylcyclohexylamines are the oldest and most widely-used dissociative compounds on the planet. However, compared to popular and well-studied substances like ketamine, DMXE remains a relatively new arylcyclohexylamine.
Buy DMXE online in the highest quality pellets form. We have DMXE pellets for sale in the quantities 2, 5, 10, or 25 pellets, with each pellet containing 40 mg each. Pellets are one of the most effective ways to do research because you know exactly how much of a substance you are using. This can prevent mishaps and ensure safety when you are working with these chemicals.
Ensure to store the DMXE pellets in a dry and cool place for maximum shelf-life. When handling research chemicals ensure to always take the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces and wearing gloves, a mask & protective clothing.