Aerct supplies planted gabion walls system designed for creek slope stabilization uses. We also supply technical support on how to detail, specify, and construct the planted gabion walls. For
American and South East Asian market mainly.
Steel Wire Used for Making Gabions:
All steel wire used in the fabrication of the gabions and in the wrung operations during construction shall be to BS 1052, having a tensile strength of not less than 380 N/mm2 and not exceed
Wire Mesh for Gabions
Wire mesh shall comply with the requirements of SAnS 1580 or equivalent. Wire mesh shall be mechanically pre-fabricated to become a uniform hexagonal woven mesh wherein the joints are formed by
twisting each pair of wires through three half-turns (commonly known as double twist), in such a manner that unravelling is prevented.
The tightness of the twisted joints shall be such that a force of not less than 1.7 kN is required when pulling on one wire in order to separate it from the other wire, provided each wire is
prevented from turning under the applied forces, and the wires are all in the same plane.