High QualityCarParts
Clutch separation bearing is a more important part of the car, if the maintenance is not good failure, not only will cause economic losses, and disassembly and assembly is quite troublesome, need to spend a lot of man-hours.
Warranty Period considered for CPCA: 1 year.
APPLICATION FIELD: This procedure is applicable for all After Market CPCA Projects developed for AMT (Automatic Mechanical Transmission) for Commercial Vans, Trucks, and Heavy Duty Vehicles.
Be recyclable: The CPCA will be designed in order to use recyclable materials and according to the different Norms (ISO, AFNOR, car manufacturers…) to optimize recycling at the end of life.
Be compact during storage: Conditioning should allow optimizing the volume during storage.
Be robust: the CPCA should be robust enough to prevent from any deterioration during assembling and use.
Be easily assembled and disassembled: The CPCA should be assembled or disassembled on the clutch housing without needing specific tool.
Weigh: The CPCA weight should not overpass OE for the application. As per reference for Renault Volvo OE, CPCA weight is 6,85Kg.