Stretched bar lcd display, also called stretched display screen, was welcome in lots of scenarios, peopls use it to display inf in airport, supermarket shelves, metro stations and so on, shining in
places where people hardly noticed always get more attaction like a star shining in the dark.
Why Choose Champion Stretched Bar
Stretched digital display are all quite slim in size compared with other advertising monitors, people explored the usage of stretched signages to various of application areas, so customers who want
to catch peoples' eyes and attention won't miss stretch bar lcd signage in airport ,metro station,restaurant, shopping center, etc.
By using lcd stretched bars people can always use CMS system to manage them without any delay, split screen and timer to swtich the content or turn on / off the displays remotely. Customers can
always get screen shot or volume adjusted, by timer setting stretched bar lcds save energy and cost for customers in any working time you want.
Various sizes are available for stretched bar lcd display: screen size from 21.5" to 88" are available.
CMS system for management save cost for customers
Easy installation with mutiple media formats are available, enrich the advertising format to get the best result
Different brightness are available.