How do you make a wooden toothpick

FOB Price
USD $10,000.00 / Piece
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15 Days
Usually, the wood used for wooden toothpicks is already cut wood, which is processed by 8 kinds of equipments of wooden toothpick making machines. The total set of wood toothpick making machines includes Wood lamination machine,Wood filament machine, wood filament set-size machine,Toothpick set-size machine, Toothpick polisher,Toothpick ordering machine,Toothpick sharpener, Multipurpose sharpener, totally 8 units of machines, used for making toothpicks from wood. We can get a better understanding of the wood toothpick making process by watching the video of the wood toothpick making machine
  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Market:Africa,Asia
  • Founded Year:2012
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  • Contact:William Everfit
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Everfit Environmental Protection Technology Co., L