Linux is the operating system of choice for a wide range of industries, from IoT and Cloud computing to medical devices, kiosks and self-service terminals.
Linux is an open-source operating system platform for embedded solutions as users can easily modify and configure both OS and applications to meet their specific needs.
At present, Emdoor provides rugged Linux tablet: 10'' EM-I16K, 10'' EM-I10U, and 12'' EM-I20U. There is always one for you.
Features of linux tablet computer
Multi-Platform Support 
One of the biggest attractions of Linux is its multi-platform software support, which can run on almost any processor and requires very little computer hardware configuration.
Abundant software support
Many hospitals and medical institutions are increasingly using Linux-based customized software to support their special needs applications. The industrial linux computer can meet the software needs
of any supplier.
Open-source operating systems
When developing for the company's unique kiosk or self-service terminal needs, many developers prefer to use the open source Linux development environment. The Linux environment can more easily
protect the surrounding interference of the design by locking down any undesirable features.
Emdoor, as an excellent rugged tablet manufacturer, offers a wide range of rugged tablet for you to choose from.