Ultrasonic transducsers based on piezoelectric ceramic including Langevin transducers, piezoelectric transducers, HIFU tranducers, etc. are widely used in medical and industrial applications.
Siansonic provides various ultrasonic transducers with wide frequency range from 20kHz to 10MHz and wide power range from milliwatts to kilowatts scale.
What are the types of ultrasonic transducer for sale?
Langevin transducers which usually consist of piezoelectric ceramic elements, metal horns and screw.
Piezoelectric transducer which is usually a piezoelectric ceramic element with special matching layer encapsulated in a housing.
HIFU transducer is a special piezoelectric transdcuer which is mainly used for applications of high intensity focused ultrasound.
FAQ of piezo transducer for sale
Where are ultrasonic transducers used?
These ultrasonic transducers have many applications in different fields like industrial, medical, etc. For example, the medical ultrasonic transducers, is having the applications in surgical
devices for treating cancer, IVD testing, implatable medical devices, etc.
What is HIFU transducer?
HIFU transducer is the focus bowl shaped piezoelectric ceramic element encapsulated in a housing. It can generate high intensity focused ultrasound field to make special processes on specific