China pcb box build assembly services company Fastlink provides one-stop pcb box build assembly services including Product Assembly, Cable Assembly and System Assembly and various testings for
customer final requirements.
China pcb box build assembly services include us assembling various PCBS, connecting them through various cabling and other cables. The process involves making the PCB, installing it, and then
connecting all the components with various wires and cables to get a complete system. This system has many sub-components and many other electronic components installed in the components.
Fastlink Electronics has a professional customer service team, in the face of diverse needs of customers, we are always able to provide perfect solutions, we have rich experience in pcb assembly
and manufacturing, to meet the needs of customers, let the world redefine the made in China is our mission.
What does the PCB Box Build Assembly Services Include?
At the core of any electronic manufacturing, service comes design, manufacturing, testing, and marketing. The pcb fabrication manufacturer Fastlink Electronics will perform these functions, which
may also include assembling complete systems for OEMs. Designed to provide complete solutions for our customers. In this respect, Fastlink Electronics is trusted by our customers, who always turn
to us for help no matter what their needs are.
For example, by offering fast pcb assembly china, systems integration or "box build" services -- Fastlink Electronics can use a process to assemble printed circuit board components, wiring
harnesses, package manufacturing, testing, and more.
Step 1
Product Assembly
Step 2
Sub-level Product Assembly
Step 3
System Level Assembly
Step 4
Complete Product Testing including Functional, Environmental, and Burn-In
Step 5
Software Loading
Step 6
Complete System Integration
Step 7
Packaging and Labeling including Barcoding
Step 8
Direct Shipment