Synon yms: Trenb olone ac etate, Tren ac etate, Rev alor, fina plix, Tren ace
CAS: 10161-34-9
Assays: Ab ove 99%
MOQ: 10g
Molecu lar For mula: C20H24O3
M olecular Weig ht: 312.4
Appear ance: Yel low to Pale yellow cryst alline po wder
Tips: ยท Abso lute Going Throu gh Cu stoms
Pr vide both raw mat erial and liquid
USES: Trenb olone ac etate(Tren ace, R evalor) is a po pular ste roid in the body building com munity. Is a very potent and rogen with strong anab olic act Ivity.
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