Product Name: Trenbo lone Enan thate
Alias: Trenb olone Ena nthate;Para bolan;Tren E;10161-33-8;Pri mobolan-de pot;Pri mobo lan-d epot
CAS No.: 10161-33-8
Molec ular Form ula: C25H34O3
Molec ular we ight: 382.54
Assay: 99.34%
Appe arance: pale yellow or yellow cryst alline powder
Trenbo lone Enan thate Usage:
Tren Bolone Enan thate is only av ailable from unde rground labs and was not desig ned for hum an consum ption, although it is consi dered to be an ideal drug for body builders who want to burn fat
and gain muscle, alth ough its long ester makes unwise for profes sional athlet es who und ergo tes ting to use.
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