Product Name: Mestero lone;Pro viron
Chemical Name: 17beta -Hydr oxy-1alpha -m ethyl-5alp ha-andro stan-3-one;
Molec ular Form ula: C20H32O2
Molecular weight: 304.47
CAS No.: 1424-00-6
Purity: 99% min
Apperance: White powder
Standard: Ente rpri se Standa rd
Packing: 1kg/alu minum foil bag
Express Delivery Avail able with UP S, FedEx, EMS, TNT, DHL.
Usage: Mester olone is andr ogen, which is male sex horm one, It is used to treat disor ders in men where the body does not make eno ugh natur al andro gen. It works by supplem enting the amou nt
of male