The Y series are compact cradles to display sample pieces, and helpful to the dispay system of the showroom.
Y1 Compact Display Stand
Y2 Compact Display Stand
Y4 Compact Display Stand
Y12 Compact Display Stand
Y12 Compact Display Stand
Specifications of the Y Series Compact Display Stand
Product Y1 Y4 Y12
Product specifications 767*158*245mm 610*810*30mm
Available panel sizes 600*1200mm 800*800mm 600*600mm
Dimensions made to order NO NO NO
package sizes
Advantages of the Y Series Compact Display Stand
The Y series compact granite display stand are mainly small in size, mainly for the design of space layout to add auxiliary effects
As one of door display rack manufacturers, we can provide different sorts of granite display rack for sale, anything you need, please leave us a message.
EXE. DISPLAYS has developed a series of display equipment with great design aesthetics based on the European display concept and the needs of the domestic market.
More kinds of door displays, please visit our website.