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to buy bits of cloth bags for anyone to do, do not have the heart to collect the money. LiuLaoTai but anxious: "No money, I do not, the kids do business is not easy, cheap people can not be accounted for." Close to every piece of cloth, LiuLaoTai are carefully hand wash, disinfect, dry, "we have to talk about hygiene bags.", "how do the washing machine? hand and more strenuous." distressed her children, "washing machine that does not cost the water ah? money out of the province but also a few more bags of it!" Over the years, Liu Granny hand-made bags to give friends and family, neighbors, strangers, bus drivers and people, the elderly sister, daughter and daughter have been developed into "offline", helped send a lot of green bag. Also not to mention, this small and unique bags popular children is high, a lot of people put it down, even after contact person, active book LiuLaoTai bags. LiuLaoTai players there is a small collection for many years, each record above the dense green bag . .
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