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"small resume", production time, quantity, given what people are clearly spelled out. "I hope this little bag Everybody can come in handy when shopping, but also for environmental protection a force ......" This is a small supporting LiuLaoTai wish to do is to make a bag for 20 years. "I'm this age, but also to do something for the community much good, I very satisfied, very happy!" Said the old party has nearly 60 years of party standing for a single word to say very seriously. In 2008, ten volunteers selected LiuLaoTai Fengtai District. Then Cheng Zhuang Road, Fengtai Street Hospital No. 16 was established in her name, "Liu grandmother studio", with more than 200 volunteers. Yard big girl small daughter ran in bursts elderly in learning a craft: 49, Building 张翠香 daughter to wear with a skirt made ??of small bags; Building 83 Xiao-Jing green bag to sew a layer of waterproof lamps; old Taoxiu , broken jeans, all became everybody making something good material ...... Today, the . .
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