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community carrying shopping bags more and more people. Not long ago, the community organizations bags making contest, "stingy" LiuLaoTai also cheerfully boarded the judges seats. Despite decades of sewing machines with bad, LiuLaoTai still restless, early in the morning every day, it deep into his "workshop." Old man bent down, carefully wipe the sewing machine. She Lile remaining spools, holds head in his mouth gently sip, and then click on the sewing machine through the pinhole on. "See no, nothing if not a little eye child can spend." After all, over eighty, four children and grandchildren to worry about, "Amoy" Mr. Liu tired of cloth or a head knock, bumped, recently strengthened "supervision" , told the old man try not to go out alone. "'Well, we must not go out.' Every time I have to deal with such small grandchildren and children, put down the phone, I would sneak out to close cloth bag slung head went." Old red reporters wink, laugh out loud.
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