Liquid handling components become a very critical part of lab process standardization and automation. To better serve and support Keyto global customers, Keyto developed and innovated Superb Air
Displacement Pipetting product line SADP 16, 18, 20, 28, Programmable Syringe Pump, Metering Pump, Rotary Shear Valve and Piston Syringe Pump to achieve good accuracy and precision. By applying
Keyto liquid handling solutions, customer design will have less piece-to-piece variation then improve product performance and reliability. In general, Keyto liquid handling components and be
applied in various industries' lab process optimization, like ELISA, time-resolved fluorescence, nucleic acid preparation, PCR setup, next-generation sequencing for genomic research, TLC spotting,
SPE, liquid-liquid extraction, drug discovery, etc...
Automatic Liquid Handling Equipments in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical industry requires millions of repeatable tests for the development and validation to make sure the newly developed products are effective and meeting the regulation. In the whole
development process the automated liquid handling instruments are the basic and best infrastructure to eliminate human falts and improve the validation tests robustness. With more and more
automated pipette machines come to the markets, automated liquid handling platforms with integrated automated pipette machines becomes good options of the pharmaceutical industry.
For more information about advance fluid control and liquid handler, please feel free to contact us!