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Of course, the use of the leaves is not his first. As early as the Three Kingdoms period, there is a precedent with lotus board. According to Tang Qiu Yue "Three Dian slightly," recorded; Jiankang Huan to make holes for the wheat crumbs rice wrapped with lotus leaf, the night was among tens of thousands wrapped to give the soldiers. ; This supply troops, for fear that some unheard-of military history, it is a story of environmental protection. Look through the history books, we can also find some maverick environmentalists. According to the "eyebrow Lu Cong words" record, Wu Qing Suzhou has a bachelor, he had a teacher who did princes, quite a low position. When he did not succeed, I go to the market every morning to buy rice (Put rice every morning in the city). He's not used to hold rice baskets nor bag, but the head of the . .
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