BLIIoT GSM/3G/4G LTE S265 Data Loggers are special for remote monitoring the onsite temperature and humidity. Not only for monitoring Temperature & Humidity in real-time, also support high/low .SMS/Call alert to max 10 user phone numbers.
The Data Logger with large memory that can save 200000 events. Moreover,It provides 2 Relay outputs for automatically switch ON/OFF devices when Temperature & Humidity exceed high/low value and remote switch ON/OFF Device by SMS or GPRS/3G/4G. It has been designed as a cost effective, low power, self contained data logger. It has 8 temperature & Humidity sensor inputs with embedded GSM/GPRS/3G/4G module to provide an all in one instrument for data logging, Remote data acquisition, alarm and control.

Ø Server room;
Ø Warehouse;
Ø Weather Stations remote control and data logging;
Ø Oil pump monitoring;
Ø Transformer stations;
Ø Supervision and monitoring alarm systems
Ø Transformer stations;
Ø Medicine center;
Ø Drug store ,Seafood storage, Aquarium;
Ø Supermarket, hospital, Hotel;
Ø Billboard, Ads Signs LED, etc.