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Title: pick the name of environmental protection shopping bag
Content: shopping bags, plastic bags, paper bags, or bags? Every time we go to the supermarket when shopping, we would ask such a question might be. Since the "plastic limit" under development, a lot of businesses in order to circumvent the law, take the initiative to switch to paper bags or bags or plastic bags instead paid. Many people feel that their own shopping bags to the supermarket with some trouble, some even in their hearts secretly think, anyway, only a few cents for each plastic bag, not bad money. However, no one think that this little move, a huge impact on the environment. Bags: Public Enemy environment due to the production costs of plastic bags are cheaper, the U.S. grocery usually choose them. According to statistics, only in California, consumer plastic bags used annually on more than 19 million, so many plastic bags need to produce 800 million barrels of oil. Furthermore, about 90% of . .
plastic bags manufacturers , custom plastic bag, wholesale plastic bags .